Wednesday, January 16, 2013


DECEMBER 31, 2012
I reluctantly watched the final hours of 2012 tick away.
Surprisingly, I felt very sad about it being over
because it has been one of the most enjoyable and
event filled years of my/our life together.
Russ and I celebrated our
30th Wedding Anniversary
throughout the year.
I never dreamed that it would end with me
wearing my Wedding Gown for a
New Year's Eve Costume party.

Several of us bemoaned the fact that
we all have such beautiful wedding gowns
and only get to wear them once.  Would anyone else
like to wear their wedding gown again?
Let's do it on New Year's Eve?

As you can see, we had five
happily married BRIDES in the famiily
who were blessed with bodies
that still fit into their gowns.
I was so proud to be among them.

Russ would have worn his wedding attire
but just a few years ago,
when I had given up ever losing weight,
we took his outdated suit to Goodwill. 
This year I made the exhilarating
discovery that I could get into my wedding dress from
June 26, 1982.
This has been a milestone year
just by the fact that I have maintained
almost a 100 pound weight loss since
October 2011.
Russ has lost 25 pounds and
is back to less than his Wedding Weight too.


1 comment:

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