Wednesday, June 27, 2012


JUNE 26, 2012
Today is our 30th wedding anniversary, which is what prompts us to be taking this journey.  Today we traveled 153 miles from Wall, SD to Hermosa, SD, via Interstate 90 West.  When we got off at Exit 61 for the Visitors Center, we replenished our gas supply for $3.45 per gallon.  We had our homemade salads in our truck where it was Air Conditioned because the outside temperature had climbed to 105 degrees.

     It made us very aware of how God looks out for us.  We would not have been able to enjoy
the many stops at Overlooks in the Badlands yesterday, had the temps been as hot as today.  I did in fact, feel a little woozy from the 105 degree heat, as I prepared our salads in the RV, which is only air conditioned when we are on a site, and hooked into electric.

105 degrees at Noon, Exit 61, off I 90West

Our stop at the Visitors Center was memorable because the attendant took our picture next to the
Epoxy Buffalo Sculpture which was like the Horses that they did a few years ago in Rochester, NY, and the Moose that Kathy, Lori and I saw in Vermont in 2007.

 Buffalo Sculpture at Visitor's Center


Anniversary dinner at State Game Lodge was Buffalo filet Mignon.
The Game Lodge was President Calvin Coolidge's Summer White House.

We were alerted to his presence by a stopped vehicle.
Fortunately, he was on my side, and I opened the window and
got these shots.  Our Anniversary gift from God!!!

Buffalo was about 33 foot from the road.

The Sculpture was a prelude to seeing the real thing, later in the day.  We were in Custer State Park, traveling the Rt16A, after having a Buffalo meat dinner at the State Game Lodge to celebrate our Anniversary in style.  The State Game Lodge had been recommended by the attendant at the Visitor's Center, who also suggested the Buffalo Meat Stew which Russ ordered as an appetizer ($7 for the bowl), so we could both taste it.  I ordered Buffalo Filet Mignon at $36 per plate which was well worth it.  It was done to my specifications, although the Chef prefers to prepare the meat red, I asked for it to be medium well.

As we traveled Rt16A, we encountered spectacular formations at every turn.  We took the fork to Rt.87 Needles Highway Scenic Drive and encountered Tunnels, one of which had an 8 ft.5 inch width clearance.  The dual hips on our Ford 350, bearly cleared them.  Russ said not to worry, "if we didn't knock off the side mirrors which were extended for when we are hauling, we were safe".  Well, I will tell you, I did not want to put my hands out during that passage through the rock tunnels that had been carved (blasted) through the mountains.  The Needles Eye was worth the drive.  However, it was scary as I was on the outside edge that would have dropped off.  We saw lots of dead timber from a forest fire several years ago.  Already, new growth is filling in. 

 Russ spotted this deer as he executed one of the many "U" hairpin curves. 
We were above the next switch back and could see him below us. 
He was still in the road as we rounded the curve,
and paused long enough for me to get this picture.

As we experience the joy of seeing these natural  wonders, we are reminded that "the best things in life are FREE".  I know, GAS to get there is not, but we sure are blessed to be happy with this type of simple pleasure, on a daily basis.  I must confess, the daily pass to Custer State Park costs $15 for the entire vehicle, and is good for seven days.  We are happy we had made RV camp ground reservations to be in the area through Friday, so we can get our money's worth.  Just the experience of yesterday was money well spent, and we would highly recommend this section of South Dakota to anyone.  We see many family groups, and all styles of camping.  There were lots of tents along the streams in the Park, as well a RV's.  We have not idea how the RV's got there.  We sure would not have been able to clear the tunnels with our 12 ft. 9 inch height clearance requirement.. 

Time to "get on the road again".  We will have to tell you about the Blast at Crazy Horse, another time.


  1. There's so much for us to be grateful for here in the US! Thanks for posting such exciting pictures, and your commentary is inspiring. When Stan and I retire (within the next couple of years)one of our desires is to travel across this wonderful country. Take care and avoid the massive wildfires west of you.
    Happy anniversary!

  2. Rita, it's a real treat to read your travel blog. Shel & I will keep you in our prayers for safe traveling on this wonderful trip! And the pictures! Keep 'em coming! I especially enjoy the sunrise shots -- although when I take a picture like that, it's much more likely to be a sunSET!
    Go with God!
