Wednesday, June 20, 2012


My day began just in time to catch this gorgeous sunrise at 5:28 CT, in Utica, Illinois.

We traveled 175 miles today, and crossed over into Iowa about 10:30 CT.  We were on Interstate 80 and one sign said we were on the Silo and Smokestack Heritage Trail.  I immediately saw several good examples of Silos on two of the farms we could see from the highway.

We stopped at the Iowa Visitors Center and spent an hour there because we decided to eat our lunch in their picnic area, and I took time to walk the perimeter of their complex so I could take wildflower pictures.  The temperature was 91 degrees but was comfortable thanks to a wonderful stiff breeze.  It swayed the flowers and challenged me to the limit.  No wonder I had to take 115 pictures today to get these that I want to share with you.  The little creature in the picture is a Thirteen Striped Ground Squirrel, even though I originally thought he was a chipmunk without a tail.  It was the first time I had seen a ground squirrel but our RV neighbors assured me that is what it is.

The final photo in this series is to prove that God provides no matter where we are.  We thank God that the gas prices have been getting lower the further West we have traveled.  Let's all pray that the good fortune continues. 

Please take a few minutes and click on the comments section, so I can have feedback on what you would like me to include in my postings.  It is nice to know when you have viewed this Blog, and to have your encouraging words.

1 comment:

  1. Hello, good to see you are on the road and headed west. We got a couple inches of rain in last few days which makes this area green too.

    Stripped ground squirrels are cute, but they can be a real pest in gardens.

    Expect to see you soon in South Dakota. Drive carefully.
