Friday, August 24, 2012


AUGUST 18, 2012
I will be describing the "views from my window" as we drove the 176 miles
on California Hwy 140, and then onto CA 99 South to Chowchilla during the first
one and a half of our travels.
In the first 37 miles,
we began to climb to an elevation of 1983 ft.
 and then had a steep decent with lower gears,
 and then it was uphill again.
At that point I saw a Coyote who looked
very hungry and thin,
with a very pointy face.
His grey fur caused him to stand out
against the toast colored fuzz type ground cover.
Shortly after seeing the Coyote,
I saw Black Angus cattle grazing.
grazing on very dry grass.
Can you see the clusters of nuts?
As we reached PLANADA we had CORN FIELDS on both sides
of the road for miles and miles.
It delighted us to see the Cell tower.
  At least for a few miles we could count on
 having cell phone service.
We take service for granted back home,
not so in California,
especially in the areas near the
National Parks with dense forests.
Really tall  PIONEER brand corn.
By 11:30, two and a half hours along, we began to see
what I believe was COTTON growing,
 as we approached DOS PALOS. 
I was able to get this quick picture of the blossom
which sure looks like cotton to me.
It was the height of about 24 to 30 inches,
and thick in the planting.
Around one o'clock a truck passed us,
loaded with the Super large White skinned
as his cargo.
Next, we saw Celery being harvested
in an area with rich black MUCK soil.
There were Tomatoes in that
area too, but they were still green.
In the final 17 miles, CA 156 West
merged to become US HWY 101 SOUTH.
Just before arriving at our destination,
we stopped to ask directions for
the RV Park,
and I saw the first APPLES
of the Summer,
which so reminded me of
our beloved Wayne County, New York.
There was only one tree,
and it was on private property.
They looked so good,
When I saw the Apples, it made me 
realize how blessed
we are to live where we do,
when we are home.
We have such an abundance of
fresh produce
in Wayne County, NY.
I do miss that when we shop
for produce out here.
Today, the Navel Oranges
were $1.99  a pound and
where from Australia.
Now, wouldn't you expect them to
be from California?
Canteloupe were 69 cents a pound.
I was ready to buy several,
thinking they were 69 cents EACH.
I quickly changed my mind.
Some Nectarines were $1.99 and others $2.49 a pound.
Here they are just ripening in this area,
and I would expect them to be affordable.
Count your Blessing,
if your have lower prices,
where ever you shop.

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